June 29, 2020

She was barely two when the dead body of her father

”A story of hope, not only for Rwandan refugees, but refugees everywhere.To an audience listening with rapt attention, she tells, "It was challenging”. When they stepped into the boat, they were acutely aware that they did not know how to swim. They were the despised "boat people”, desperate refugees landing on the shores of Europe in the hope of a new lease of life. silicone rubber Suppliers The next day, when the Tutsi clan marched to avenge the killings, Maggie ran across and stood guard outside the Hutu homestead as a human shield. She studied hard and made her grandfather proud.There were more stories of hope, courage and peace building in a world asunder by conflict. Finally, in 2016, she was awarded the degree and returned to Malawi for her internship.5 million through various fundraising events. The calm and composed voice of young Mirreille Twayigira, a survivor of Rwandan genocide, keeps haunting me. But she could not give up; she was here on a mission, a vocation, to return to serve her community. But Shadan was restless, constantly straining her eyes from the upper deck to spot land. She was happy. Nagham was at the bottom, with several layers of people piled up above her. From that moment onwards her mission is to spread the message of peace among orphaned children.

There was Maggie, a Tutsi from Burundi, who at 16 witnessed the Hutus slaying her entire family. This loss was too much to bear and she collapsed. From Lusaka again they moved to Malawi, where she was enrolled in a higher secondary school.Soon they were forced to flee from their village and become refugees. She was alone with her grandparents.Her childhood memories are of a large happy family living on a farmland, where she had a cow to herself to drink milk from.When people ask her about her refugee status, her response, "we are not just refugees, we are ‘normal’ people who have been turned into refugees”.

She was barely two when the dead body of her father was brought in wrapped in a white cloth and with this the peace and tranquility of her village collapsed. This expanded her horizons as she became part of an international student community. But help came from unexpected quarters. When conflict erupted in Syria in 2009 they had started teaching displaced young children life skills in relief camps, but never imagined that they themselves would be in need of these skills one day. Just before they reached a refugee camp in Angola, her grandmother too passed away.She ends her narrative with some probing questions, "Are you ready to open your homes for refugee children like me? They need food, shelter and medicines. With a composed voice she continues, "I too would have gone.Then there was young Stephanie Lorenzo, a Chinese-Australian, who after reading the story of survivor of sex trade was so moved that she set up a non-profit, Project Futures, to raise funds to support safe homes in Cambodia. There was food to eat, a grandfather who loved her. By then her grandfather passed away. When Shadan finally spotted a tiny sliver of land far out in the horizon, she knew they were the lucky ones. After a while some would return, pregnant or afflicted with AIDS. The next victim was her own little sister, who could not avail of medical aid due to turmoil and succumbed. They talk about Syria with nostalgia. "Syria is not just the last five years; it is a beautiful country”.. This is an understatement.The March 8 celebrations at the Vatican around the theme — Peace building efforts by women — were truly amazing. In 2010, she left to study medicine in China.To these brave narratives, I added my own story of surviving domestic violence, and setting up an NGO for providing access to justice to victims of sexual and domestic violence, which almost paled into insignificance.

They had set out from the shores of Turkey in a rubber boat via the deadly Balkan route. After a pause and she reflects philosophically, life had to move on. But more than anything else, they need higher education, which alone can lift them out of their degrading status of being a refugee and bring dignity to them.

This was followed by a conversation with Shadan and Nagham, the Syrian refugees now living in Belgium. At an event to felicitate the young achievers, the Chinese government declared scholarships to study medicine in China. "What more does one need?” she asks.” A frail, listless frame, bloated stomach, sunken eyes, scanty hair, she recalls how the soldiers would come and take away young girls. But as Chantal Gotz, the driving force behind Voices of Faith, a small group of dedicated Catholic women, said in her concluding speech, "every voice counts”. The Malawian government took up her cause and she awarded citizenship and a Malawian passport. Last year, her organisation raised 4. "But how could I go? I had no citizenship, no nationality, I was just a refugee in a foreign land”. She was enrolled in a good school.Finally they reached a refugee camp run by the Jesuit Refugee Service.Then they moved again to Lusaka, because her grandfather wanted to provide his granddaughter better education opportunities.The moment of triumph came when she was one among the six state toppers. As the violence spread from district to district, they fled through the forests to neighbouring Congo, to Angola and Zambia, back and forth, begging for food and shelter. By then her little heart was so hardened she had no tears left. Rather than "a story of tragedy”, she prefers to name it "a story of hope”. She saw her entire clan disintegrating. "They didn’t look at me as I was too tiny and sickly, so I survived,” she adds

Posted by: autorubbesea at 01:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 24, 2020

A recent Thales Data Threat report found that

We’re seeing the rise of IoT, embedded systems, machine learning, and real-time data analysis – all of which can be used in complex systems such as autonomous vehicles and drones. A recent Thales Data Threat report found that data-at-rest security tools are consistently rated as the best way to protect data once attackers are inside the walls.

The growth of data’s influence on our personal and business lives over the past few years has been faster than anyone could imagine. At the moment, everyone involved in the handling and processing of data, from network providers and cloud software firms to hardware manufacturers, have their own techniques for securing their small part of the data value chain and rarely think beyond that.A problem of silosAs with so many issues in IT, the problem starts with silos.Unsurprisingly, the security industry is well aware of this increased appetite for data security products. Industry players in the security space must collaborate as well as compete if they are to serve their customers effectively. The pace of change is set to continue – according to DataAge 2025, a report by IDC and Seagate, by 2025 the global datasphere could be as large as 163 zettabytes and 90% of that data could require some level of security, but less than half may be secured.In order to provide their customers with the most secure environments possible, security vendors will need to stay ahead of the way businesses are implementing their technologies, what other products are used in the same stack, and how these different products can work together to create a circle of protection for customer data.There is no singular answer to these different threats – and that’s really the most important point.However, despite the clear benefits, this kind of encryption lags behind other areas, such as network and endpoint security, in terms of the investment it receives.

A recent report from MarketsandMarkets estimates that the global cybersecurity industry could reach 231bn by 2022.33rd Day Of Lockdown Total Cases By 2025, almost 90 per cent of all data created in global datasphere will require some security, but less than half will be secured Security in this new era requires multiple complex defence systems to be operating harmoniously with each other.While increased spend can be a good thing for data security, there’s a danger that in the rush to be first to market with new products and services, security providers are failing to see the bigger picture. The same Thales Data Threat report found that data-at-rest security received some of the lowest levels of spending increases in 2016 (44 per cent), versus a 62 per cent increase for network and a 56 per cent increase for endpoint security.Security at the drive levelIn a world where data owners are under constant threat of attack from the next WannaCry, it’s important to make sure every link in the security circle chain is in place, and that all aspects of hardware and software that handle sensitive data have adequate security features. As more and more data is stored in the cloud, businesses need to prepare for major security breaches when cloud technology fails.

The more steps in a data transfer, the more opportunities there are for malicious players to infiltrate the system.4 per cent year-on-year in 2017. These systems – including encryption at the drive level – need to be in communication with each other and form a circle of security around sensitive data. Data today moves frequently, and that increases security risks. Data-at-rest encryption functions as a last line of defence: if a malicious actor manages to breach outer layers of security using hacked or fraudulent credentials, hardware-level encryption can protect the organization from data theft.S.Completing the circleAccording to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime study, the number of data breaches increased 27. Driven by high-profile data breaches and cyber-criminal activity, businesses in fields as diverse as finance, transportation, healthcare and retail are recognizing the urgent need for investment in data security practices.

This becomes a real problem when the global data environment becomes more complicated.Take the huge number of businesses that use cloud-hosted services, for example. Defending against these kinds of attacks is only becoming more challenging. And there are many examples of it doing just that. Security in this new era requires multiple complex defence systems to be operating harmoniously with each other. Likewise, the rapid development of blockchain technology and more advanced malware attacks such as WannaCry both present far more serious and advanced threats than businesses are accustomed to dealing with. What this means in practice is a renewed focus on areas of hardware and software protection that have previously not been front of mind or received large amounts of investment from businesses, with security at the drive level being a prime example. The market is now flooded with new products and solutions that claim to address the concerns of businesses and meet new government regulations, China o-ring Suppliers such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).By: B. Security is a circle, not a line: every actor involved in the handling and processing of data has responsibility for ensuring its security. Teh, Senior VP - Global Sales and Sales Operations, Seagate

Posted by: autorubbesea at 01:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 16, 2020

These dialogue must bring global substance

The Chinese leadership should be made to realise that China’s global rise is not an exclusive phenomenon, and should not be at India’s expense as a regional and global partner. This must encourage India to better posture itself in the Indo-Pacific coalition and protect its commercial and strategic interests without antagonising China. Still, the emerging economies need a better space in the classical Bretton Woods institutions, in terms of better representation and securing better voting rights. Strong global activism required to question China’s non-transparent project executions across the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and beyond, mainly in Africa.

It is connected to a range of other issues relating to China’s ever-growing linkages with the global supply chain and governance structure. He is also the Centre Coordinator for East Asia. India must plan to take advantage of the ‘anti-Chinese’ measures that the US is internationalising through its current trade war without making an obvious anti-China posture in Indian foreign policy. Thus, the Chinese would be searching for new markets, including India, to sustain their "Made in China 2025” campaign. Though every Chinese technological product comes with the baggage of Beijing being a ‘suspect’ power in the Indian market, there are softer technological areas of cooperation possible. These dialogue must bring global substance to India-China relations. India must plan to take advantage of anti-Chinese measures the USA is internationalising. The ramifications of this new rivalry will affect every system, sectors and countries in some form or the other. The issue, however, should be attended keeping in view that trade imbalance might grow further when India and China emerge as de facto free trade agreement (FTA) partners post the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiation. New Delhi’s association with both Russia and China within and outside the SCO structure needs to be strengthened and diversified.It is no more just "trade friction” or a "trade war” between the United States and China. New flashpoints are emerging, moving from economic and security aspects to balance of power in times to come. A number of spheres of influence are likely to emerge to which India should carefully aim to position its leverage.Second, bilaterally, India must aim to address the trade imbalance between the two countries. India needs to strike a deal with China on this. How should India view and respond to this growing power rivalry between them?India’s choices are plenty. This is due to the structural linkages that the US and Chin-ese economies enjoy with the global financial and pol-itical system. That means, India must note that it is an ‘American war on China’ rather than ‘China’s Ame-rica war’. It is time for India to not just look beyond the US-China prism, but act on strengthening that stance. The real US target is, therefore, to soften China’s attitude towards global accountability, transparency and remo-ve barriers for foreign companies competing with Chi-na’s domestic market. Rather, it is becoming clear that the US-China relations witnessing a power rivalry that is very much deliberate, different from their usual Cold War rivalry. The Chinese leadership should be made to realise that China’s global rise is not an exclusive phenomenon, and should not China o-ring be at India’s expense as a regional and global partner.

"Made in China 2025”, which would primarily threaten US supremacy in technology and global operations.Fourth, India also equally needs to strengthen anti-China measures globally that is threatening Indian interests.Moving away from non-alignment has been prudent for India, enabling it to take advantage of both the American led "Washington consensus” and the Chinese led "Beijing consensus”.Third, Trump’s trade war with China is not all about tariffs, or aluminium, cars or steel products. However, India must exercise caution while responding to this tug-of-war. Indeed, a consensus seems to have been arrived in Washington policy circles that no matter who reigns in the White House, the American world will not be seen as compromising to its prime global ‘competitor’, China. Beijing must revisit its arrogant approach towards India. Already a good momentum has started in India’s favour with China reducing non-tariff barriers on non-Basmati rice, and also removing import duties on anti-cancer pharmaceutical products. The U-S-China ties is witnessing a shift to one that is more confrontationist-competitive from a cooperative-competitive post-Cold War China policy. Both India and China should should focus to strengthen the Strategic Economic Dialogue, Financial Dialogue and the India-China Joint Eco-nomic Group (JEG) meeting. Jagannath Panda is a Fellow with the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. India’s recent decision to go ahead with Moscow on the S-400 deal despite US pressure through CAATSA signifies the ripeness of India’s pluralistic foreign policy. Trump’s National Security Strategy (NSS) paper calling China a ‘revisionist’ power has much subtext. (Photo: PTI/File) America-China relations are witnessing a confrontationist-competitive shift. The African world needs to be taken into greater confidence by powers such as India, the US and Japan for which a greater coordination is required. This must impart India to not put all its eggs in the same basket but widen its economic trade linkages. India must, however, realise is that the US is not only in a dispute with China, but with its alliance partners as well, including the European Union, Mexico, Russia and Canada.

Therefore, one of the main intents behind Trump’s trade conflict is to disrupt the progress of the BRI execution. Multilaterally, India needs a concentrated dialogue with China to have a better interaction within the framework of emerging economies. No matter how institutionalised the US-China relationship currently is and how significant their economic ties is for global economic stability, their intensifying trade conflict is likely to strengthen further. India could expedite regional and global understanding on pressing issues like connectivity and investment infrastructure with the US and other partners such as Japan to balance out China’s outreach, mainly arising from its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The American allegation against Beijing might be that China is taking undue advantage of the global governance structure as a developing economy while its economy has substantially developed. For India however it makes sense to treat China as a developing economy partner to serve its interests from climate change to reforming the global financial institutions. A proposition like the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) between India and Japan should be nurtured.First, a new momentum could be built in India-China relations itself, mainly in the economic domain. The Americans are aware that if BRI succeeds, it will not only strengthen the Chinese economy but also amplify the rule of the Communist Party of China (CPC). India needs to see its cooperation with the EU in new light

Posted by: autorubbesea at 01:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 10, 2020

Television sucked Indians into reality shows underlying importance

Oversized foreign body builders with rippling muscles, on hoardings and signboards on and around the shop, lure health buffs. Throughout this period, bare-chested images of muscle-bound actors like Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone could be seen all around movie halls and public spaces in India. How quickly they felt the pulse of these neo consumers and how fast they change their stocks! These small outlets and roadside shops tell us that in changing times to build a robust business one needs to be alert, nimble and proactive all the time. Fashion fomented the trend by popularising attire for both men and women which displayed uncensored views of skin through low rise pants, plunging neck lines, bare backs of cholis or minimalist hot pants. Marketers and media want them in big numbers in routine marathons, rahagiri, school fests, college events, promotions done in malls and super markets. Build your children’s look bit by bit, block by block, by individual body part. When did we become fans of such muscle-loving, bicep-brandishing hulks Culturally, we never allotted much importance to the robustly built bodies of male heroes. Television sucked Indians into reality shows underlying importance of good looks and appearance. Bipasha ran in ads for Reebok shoes, while Saina Nehwal and Sania Mirza became new brand ambassadors for a host of brands. Click on Amazon and you will get an eyeful of them.Before I could ask anything, the middle aged woman manning the shop as she smoked a brass hubble-bubble told me that at my age I should use the excercycle to improve my cardio and should not risk pumping iron. As actress mothers of different ages made come-backs as glamorous divas people, woke up to the reality that it was possible to put age on a leash and stop time. Its origin can be traced to proliferation and diffusion of popular western action films in the 1970s and 1980s. It is not just banjaras, I find the small paan and cold drink shops around the gyms have changed! They stock flavoured milk, yogurt, fruit juices, expensive energy drinks like Red Bull, Gatorades.I watch the banjaras across the street from our apartment every day. "Times have changed,” she said. Our film heroes of the 60s and 70s barely had robust body structures, nor do we have any myths of brawny superheroes like Atlas or a Hercules. These shops may be running short of regular Coke and Pepsi but not their diet versions. Now you can just go across to your gym and walk into these specialised food stores. It is true the Super Ape of the Ramayana adorns the wrestling Aakharas inspiring handful of wrestlers to build strong bodies and fight bouts but his popularity among masses is more as a quick problem solver than as a body builder. Bhim is an embodiment of excess — he eats big, talks loud, fights, marries and fathers demons while his revenges are gory and spine chilling; he is also the butt of jokes and taunts of his Kaurava cousins. One fine morning, I found to my surprise their roadside display of tools were replaced by shining sets of body building tool kits. All milk additives and health drink brands have gone back to their labs to add extra nourishing bits to their brands and products. "Oh money is no problem for them; buying equipment worth five six thousand rupees is no big deal,” she said. Apart from weights, dumbbells and barbells of different shapes and size they had exercycles and spring contraptions for enhancing muscle power, trade mills and chest expanders. My jaw dropped at her impromptu advice. Advertisements coined new terminology to convey value additions — DHA, Vitamin D and Hemocal nutrients. The rows of small unoccupied shops lying vacant for the last 5 years are filling up fast, with garages, real estate offices, white goods showrooms, eateries, fast food outlets, paan, cold drink shops, unisex beauty parlours and gyms. Even we need to change,” she added. You can contact him on kishore. "Village boys ride bikes, go to the beauty parlour, exercise in the gym and also want a set of the equipment at home.com. We have our Bhim in the Mahabharata.The writer is former VP, consumer insight, McCann Erickson India. Our gods are slim, shaven feminine, while ashuras are burly and hairy, as are our Bollywood villains.and you can’t get to the Gym "When did we become fans of such muscle-loving, bicep-brandishing hulks Culturally we never allotted much importance to the robustly built bodies of male heroes. Television rolled out Amir Khan’s workouts, in his private gym, in body hugging outfits. People learnt more about body mass building products from his physical instructors. What surprised me most was an outlet full of body building food supplement products across the new gyms. Body became the new canvas. Build your own gym at home; banjaras are selling equipment at a discounted price. Each zone needs expert attention, specialist intervention, scientific workouts and extra-potent food supplements. She had sold five sets of iron to some boys that morning. Meanwhile, female actresses showcased their sessions in CDs. But his prowess has never given him the status of a hero that Arjuna enjoys.People saw the magic of body sculpting through extended media coverage of a chocolate hero transforming himself into a hulk. Oversized foreign body builders with rippling muscles, on hoardings and signboards on and around the shop, lure health buffs. Everybody needs to look fit, every upload of mobile camera shot in social media should become an instant hit. I remember the first gym, when it came up six years ago, was basic.. The growing popularity of this trend was later picked up by the Khans of Bollywood, who started projecting six pack abs and bulging biceps in their blockbusters. "Am I putting my best look forward ” became the new critical question. The message on the wall was also smart — Columbus travelled the world in a sail boat .I looked around and suddenly realised that things around this sleepy town of Faridabad had changed a lot — flyover, metro connectivity , expressway furrowing the green fields and villages on either China wholesale Rubber Products side blurred the boundaries of the class one town and the hitherto unknown villages were now filled with concrete buildings and market places.For the new age parents, body building of their children has become as important an agenda as their academic development. On top of that, When did we become fans of such muscle-loving, bicep-brandishing hulks Culturally%

Posted by: autorubbesea at 01:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 02, 2020

After dominant victories in the first three

Virat Kohli and co displayed some fine batting previously with bowlers once again running through the Proteas batting line up with ease.

After dominant victories in the first three games at Durban, Centurion, and Cape Town, the Men in Blue suffered their first defeat of the series during rain-affected and lightning-struck Pink ODI in Johannesburg through the Duckworth-Lewis method by five wickets.Rubber gasket SuppliersSAvIND #MomentumODI #ProteaFire pic.Kohli, who put up a 61-run partnership with Shikhar Dhawan got to his 35th ODI ton, and his third in this series, as he finished the proceeding with Ajinkya Rahane at the other end.Captain @imVkohli wins the toss and elects to bowl first in the 6th ODI #SAvIND pic.twitter.com/SxiraxG0Z5— BCCI (@BCCI) February 16, 2018India 80-2 from 12.After the heartbreaking loss, India bounced back in fine fashion by winning the fifth ODI by 73 runs and also sealing the series.South Africa 105-3 from 20.com/cm1sp6ftts— Cricket South Africa (@OfficialCSA) February 16, 2018India 19-1 from 3. Having called it right during the toss, the visitors elected to bowl first. With AB de Villiers missing the first three games, regular Skipper Faf du Plessis and wicket keeper Quinton de Kock also injuring themselves, the home side struggled to put up big scores .

The South African batting lineup also struggled to negotiate the spin of Indian spinners Yuzvendra Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav. The Proteas will like to end the series on winning note and reduce the deficit to 2-4Squads:India: Virat Kohli (capt), Rohit Sharma (vice-capt), Jasprit Bumrah, Yuzvendra Chahal, Shikhar Dhawan, MS Dhoni (wk), Shreyas Iyer, Kedar Jadhav, Dinesh Karthik, Kuldeep Yadav, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Mohammed Shami, Manish Pandey, Hardik Pandya, Axar Patel, Ajinkya Rahane, Shardul Thakur. Heinrich Klaasen makes no mistake in taking the catch, as Ngidi celebrates.The two teams will now travel to Johannesburg, where they will play the first of the three T20s on Sunday. Next in, Klaasen #SAvIND #MomentumODI— Cricket South Africa (@OfficialCSA) February 16, 2018South Africa 43-2 from。

For India, there is one change as Bhuvneshwar Kumar has been rested, and has been replaced by Shardul Thakur. Shardul Thakur strikes once again as he gets his second wicket."After this series is wrapped up we'll sit down and think about where to improve.Khaya Zondo (54 runs), who scored his maiden international fifty, was the top-scorer for South Africa, whereas AB de Villiers just managed 30 runs.Lungi Ngidi was the lone wicket-taker for the hosts, removing openers Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan. Jasprit Bumrah and Yuzvendra Chahal scalped two wickets each, whereas Hardik Pandya and Kuldeep Yadav managed a wicket a piece.Shardul Thakur, who last played against Sri Lanka last year, finished with a spell of 4-52.com/nIF7pWuylD— Cricket South Africa (@OfficialCSA) February 16, 2018South Africa 23-1 from 6.South Africa, meanwhile struggled throughout the series so far as their batsmen failed to score enough runs with the bat. #SAvIND pic. Next In, AB de Villiers #SAvIND #MomentumODI #ProteaFire pic.WICKET | Thakur gets his second wicket and its that of Markram (24) who is brilliantly caught by Iyer.12.1 overs ( Ajinkya Rahane 34*, Virat Kohli 129*; Morne Morkel 0/42, Lungi Ngidi 2/54), beat SA by 8 wickets.South Africa: Aiden Markram (capt), Hashim Amla, Farhaan Behardien, AB de Villiers, JP Duminy, Imran Tahir, Heinrich Klaasen (wk), David Miller, Morne Morkel, Chris Morris, Lungi Ngidi, Andile Phehlukwayo, Kagiso Rabada, Tabraiz Shamsi, Khaya Zondo.twitter.WICKET | Ngidi gets the wicket of Rohit (16) who is caught behind by Klaasen.5 oversWICKET! What a catch by Shreyas Iyer, who makes a diving effort to remove captain Aiden Markram.twitter. We want to win 5-1, for sure, but there might be a scenario for a few more guys to get a chance in # the next match," he said. India 19/1#SAvIND #MomentumODI #ProteaFire pic. Next IN, Rahane.Where to watch the match live?Live telecast: The match can be seen live on Sony Ten 1 (English commentary) and Sony Ten 3 (Hindi commentary).Here is how both the teams will lineup:#TeamIndia Playing XI for the 6th and final ODI. Next In, Khaya Zondo #SAvIND #MomentumODI pic.Virat Kohli and co will look to chase down the total quite comfortably, as they eye a 5-1 finish to the series.com/55GdjcL8ys— Cricket South Africa (@OfficialCSA) February 16, 2018Toss Virat Kohli won the toss in the sixth ODI against South Africa on Friday and elected to field first.twitter.India 106-2 from 15.The top-scorer for the hosts was Khaya Zondo (54 runs), as none of their batsmen, including Aiden Markram and AB de Villiers put up a good show.Live streaming: It can also be streamed live on Sony LIV, the digital platform on the internet. WICKET | That is the 2nd wicket for Ngidi as Shikar 18 is caught at point by Zondo.Earlier, India had won the toss and put South Africa to bat. Shardul Thakur starred with the ball as he picked up four wickets, helping the visitors restrict the hosts for 204.4 oversWICKET! Lungi Ngidi has struck early for South Africa as he removes Rohit Sharma. (Photo: AP) Centurion: Virat Kohli led from the front with a match-winning century as India defeated South Africa by eight wickets in the sixth ODI here on Friday, thereby sealing the series 5-1.Match-timings:The match starts at 4:30 pm IST.4 oversWICKET! Lungi Ngidi strikes again, as he removes Shikhar Dhawan this time. SA 43/2.twitter.5.The hosts, meanwhile, have made as many as four changes.3 oversWICKET! Hashim Amla departs early as Shardul Thakur gets a wicket on his return.India 80/2 and need 125 to win.

Shardul Thakur comes in place of Bhuvneshwar Kumar #SAvIND pic. Next In, Virat. Despite the series in the bag, the India skipper Kohli indicated that visitors might test their bench strength in the dead rubber, hinting they will look to keep up the intensity.com/reDmwSmYiS— Cricket South Africa (@OfficialCSA) February 16, 2018South Africa inningsIndia bowled out South Africa or 204 runs in the sixth ODI here at SuperSport Park on Friday.twitter.com/qJuA4HMEXu— BCCI (@BCCI) February 16, 2018SA XI: H Amla, A Markram, AB de Villiers, K Zondo , F Behardien, H Klaasen, C Morris, A Phehlukwayo, M Morkel, I Tahir, L Ngidi— BCCI (@BCCI) February 16, 2018 PreviewHaving won their first bilateral series in South Africa, India will aim to seal the final match of the Momentum ODI series when both the teams lock horns at SuperSport Park in Centurion on Friday. This is his 47th in ODIs.5 oversWICKET! Yuzvendra Chahal does the trick as he removes AB de Villiers, who continues his poor form. For now, 4-1 feels great.twitter.WICKET | Amla is out for 10 caught behind by Dhoni off the Thakur's bowling. They have brought back Chris Morris, Khaya Zondo, Farhaan Behardien and Imran Tahir. Andile Phehlukwayo and Morne Morkel contributed 34 and 20 runs respectively

Posted by: autorubbesea at 01:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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